Specially for my friends that are complaining all the time about how annoying is to translate my blog in babelfish, I decided to write in English (don´t get used to it) and put in my blog TOP 10 of Weihnacht Party in the must famous 5th flour in Gutzkowstr…the Angle’s Corridor!The party was in 21th December, starting about 20h and finishing at…hum, what time was it????!!!
If you are very sensitive, don’t look forward…skip to other site! And more…I don´t accept requests to take out a Photo Top! Only if it is well pay :P
Enjoy it...I cannot stop laughing when I see all pictures!
Top #1 - Andreas...known as Poldi! We can tell that this Santa Claus is my litlle boss! Believe it! And don't forget...that hat is mine!

Top #2 - During a typical american game, called Beer Pong...and guess what: that is played with beer and Ping-pong balls. When the other team makes the ball right into one of the 9 beer glasses we need to drink it! This is one of the countless losing moments I had!

Top #3 - This is Anna and Sebastian...she is pretending drinking a bottle of 58%vol Rum. If she could...she would, she is my crazy Polish friend...

Top #4 - I don´t know what I was saying, or even doing, but Chad (American friend that insistently wants to be callááed as Texan)...what is he doing crying out directly in my ear? I call this a phsycadelic photo...

Top #5 - This is my kitchen, that is the window from the kitchen, on the window is Susy...that as all the right to touch in my Boss's hips, because she´s his girlfriend. They are the compulsive smokers of the party, and outside window is the smoking private area!

Top #6 - I just have one thing to say...Tomy started...

Top #7 - My foot with the second breached sock in this night and the other (Big) foot is from Stefan...with "Handschuhe für Fuss" (Gloves to feet)

Top #8 - Catherine in Marc's room, provoking Brad Pitt and George Clooney...sexy!

Top #9 - This was the moment when Chad explained the rules of Beer-Pong game...was such a work to make everybody paying a little bit of attention on my Mega camera! Hey Leute!

Top #10 - Only style differs...the rest is not similar, it's equal!...

1 comment:
pois isto de se fazerem post em inglês descriminando os amigos nacionais n dá com nada:)))ainda assim queria eleger o meu nro m deste top...ou seja a 4 devia ser a um pq efectivamente é essa acara q fazes qd te zangas...as aprendizes e caloiras q o digam:))é a raça lusitana no seu auge:)miuda continua assim...latina por essas terras germânicas:)))
beijokas e cá te esperamos
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