Monday, May 09, 2005

Today morning I got a shot

What a rush...what a time...what a weather...what is happening? I wanted to tell in my blog what was going with me:

- TUNAFE Tour'05 in Madeira
- TUNAFE Tour'05 in London
- Queima das Fitas (the last but not the least)

Everything is happening so fast. Actually, I'm not working as much as I wanted, but at the same time I want to live this last year with more life..more laughs and more tears! In spite of that, I'm living with rush, with a feeling in my stomach that is teeling me all the time: "Work hard and find a job!!!"
Today, after the "Queima-week" I was shot! I looked my agenda and I saw that tomorrow I have a presentation of my Nanotechnology project. How couldn't I see that before? I'm starting to be stressed...but it's ok!!! Calm down, calm down!

When I have time I will put some pictures of my TUNAFE Tour'05...was SO great! I loved it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. Super site weather in miami today