Hey Leute!!!
The time to sleep is over!Let's get up and drink the sun, the hot and caipirinhas also! This week is terribly hot! Is this Summer and nobody told me? Here I am with my jacket and scarf...what I really don't need, but Winter is winter and he needs to be respected! Whatever: summer is here to stay for a looong journey, he's asking bikini and sunglasses, he´s giving unexpected temperatures and lack of fresh water. Speaking on water: these days I'm thinking and thinking about this problem...
Lack of water! In Barcelos my well as no water anymore, my mother's car is so dirty and now we cannot spend 1 hour washing the car and put water on the trees at same time, and worse of all: it is SO expensive now!!!! Leute, is time to think in our future...we need to save water, even if our car stills dirty for years and years..nobody will notest :P
But on this post I lied: I don't now exactly if my mother's car is dirty. In fact, this weekend it
geht's kapput! On saturday, I went by train to Barcelos and my mother went to pick me up on the station. Driving home the car started to falling in sleep and...Kapput! I got out the car and start to push...push...push...and notest that my mother had her right foot on the break! Even that, all over me were about 5 men looking! Read again: Looking!!! Just looking!
Litlle Sissi is time to wake up and eat some shrimp...stop to make these positions in front of my young sister.