Happy New year to all of you! I tried to post before but guess what!My laptop is freaking...I cannot move my "laptop" , otherwise it sleeps during 2 days, with always the same error message. I passed here just to say hello to you and to appologize myslef to those one who want to know something about my life. Sorry! I almost have no time to drink beer, so you can imagine my days!But I'm hapy today, my Matlab programm is finished. Almost 150 lines with programm, not to much, but enough for my habilities :P Now, I only have to write my report until thursday at square light-speed...not big deal! And now, specially to my friends in Portugal I will write a very strange thing;
- ora vejam lá voces, isto que é uma estupidez estar a mudar de linguagem a meio de um post, mas isto tem de ser contado em portugues!Amanh vai ser o 1º exame de alemao que vou faltar...e porquê?! Porque nao sei por que obra do espirito santo tinha de decorar peças de automoveis...leiam outra vez!Peças de automoveis!!!!!!Ora eu, que antes de vir para a Alemanha, andei a decorar sozinha como se dizia :"Quero meio kilo de cebolas" ou entao:"O troco está errado!"...e dga-se de passagem que nunca aprendi isso no curso de alemao.E qd a professora diz que aquela brincadeirinha que fez no quadro com as peças de automoveis, à qual eu nao prestei atenção nenhuma, sai no exame...ó pá! Eu até sei dizer travao, roda, vidro, porta. Agora imagina que sai no teste a caixa de velocidades, a junta da colaça, quando nem sei como se diz volante! Pensemos bem, eu nem sequer tenho carro e 5 dias antes de vir para cá tive o meu primeiro acidente. Sim, foi muito mau!Ate me magoei.Magoei-me porque quando sai do carro para supostamente verificar a traseira do carro onde (em)bati, prestei atenção à minha frente já praticamente sucata e insisti que pelo menos colocaria o farol no sitio. Cortei-me = Magoei-me!!!
Well pleople, don't try to translate the text above on babel fish because you will not understand...I tried and the only thing I could make was laugh!Portuguese friends, try to translate the text above to english and you'll see what I mean :-D
Today I will put not so many photos, but just want to say that the New Year was great, my sister and janete were here, we went to Berlin and Leipzig. After that I only try to finish my project and eat eat eat eat...Is incredible how my cloth stills fit me... hard, but it stills!!! Yesterday Chad made Tacos and Burritos, Tequilla, salsa (no-dance) with chips, beans, meat, rice...summmarizing: Tex-Mex food! Was goog, but my stomac complained all day, maybe because of the beans or the meat...or Tequilla :P!!! But I've fun, specially when everybody went home, I was working and earing a nice discussion between my "ménes"---portuguese word/giria. And pleople always say that kind of discussion is only possible between women: Lie!!!!Men are complaining what women do when they do it worst. For example, they spend more time then me in the bathroom, they are more vain then us, they are always seeing if their body is on shape, they talk about other girls all the time when they don't like them, and I don't remember more...but believe me!I life with more 5 guys!!! They sometimes behave like that, although I don't complaind to often because I like them, they are my friends and I like the way each one behaves (sometimes!!!Chad, doens't eat my fish-rezept for example!He says he hates it, can you believe that?). I'll stop here my disertation, and try to think that I will have time to write you more...so many thins I didn't told! Tschüss***